What is Cleveland Prays?
Peerless Church is dedicated to reaching, connecting, growing and serving. Prayer is an integral part of that commitment. We are partnering with other churches in our community to pray together for Bradley County and Cleveland. PRC has committed to the 21st of each month. Other churches are selecting dates as well and together we will cover our community in prayer for the month. Click the link to pick timeslots that you are willing to commit to pray.
At PRC…we Love God and Love Others!
For more information
Visit the Cleveland Prays table in the PRC Atrium. Call or text Linda Rodante at
727.945.3340 (cell) • 423.464.5498 (home)
What is Cleveland Prays?
Peerless Church is dedicated to reaching, connecting, growing and serving. Prayer is an integral part of that commitment. We are partnering with other churches in our community to pray together for Bradley County and Cleveland. PRC has committed to the 21st of each month. Other churches are selecting dates as well and together we will cover our community in prayer for the month. Click the link to pick timeslots that you are willing to commit to pray.
At PRC…we Love God and Love Others!
For more information
Visit the Cleveland Prays table in the PRC Atrium. Call or text Linda Rodante at
727.945.3340 (cell) • 423.464.5498 (home)